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Our Gyms

At One Leisure, our fitness teams are on hand to guide you through your fitness journey. With fully equipped gyms providing a wide range of cardiovascular and resistance machines, functional training and free weights areas, you will reach your goals in no time.

Whether you’re starting out for the first time, returning to exercise after a break, injury rehabilitation or a regular gym user looking for the most effective and welcoming service, One Leisure fits the bill. Each gym is designed with your needs and training progressions in mind, ensuring that all ages and abilities are comfortable and challenged to suit their needs and meet their goals.

Each site offers state of the art cardiovascular and resistance machines as well as free weight and functional equipment to ensure every customer can achieve their goals. 

When you start we will ensure you are getting the most from your time spent with us by setting you up with a personalised programme based around your goals and body composition measurement with regular reviews to keep the programme relevant. 



Complete fitness journey package 

Only £17.00


Aim & Benefits of the OnePlan

The OnePlan is designed to support you on your fitness journey. It gives you the ability to discuss and set your short, medium and long-term goals, as well as create a tailored programme just for you. You will be given one of our driven Fitness Consultants to guide you through this entire process from your initial induction to your final 12th week check-in. The main goal behind this package is to enable you to be able to use the gym independently with a degree of confidence and enthusiasm.

OnePlan Steps: 

  • First Induction 
  • Second Induction 
  • Initial Tanita Stats 
  • 4th Week Check-in 
  • 6th week Tanita Stats 
  • 8th Week Check-in 
  • 12th Week Check-in + Tanita Stats 

First Induction: 60 minutes 

To begin our process, one of our consultants will make sure you are setup on our fitness system which will allow us to build your programme as the induction progresses. You will be taken through the use of the app and how to maximise its potential as you train. Your goals will be discussed and set to give you a clear target to aim towards while you’re training, this is a key component in maintaining motivation. Throughout this first induction, you will be shown all the relevant equipment that will help you start your fitness journey, you will be taught how to use and understand all aspect of each piece of equipment. By the end of your first appointment with us, you will have a comfortable knowledge on most or all the equipment you will use in your programme and our consultant will then book you in for your second induction when it best suits you. 

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Second Induction: 30/60 minutes

When you come in for the second appointment, you will already know your goals and most equipment that you will be aiming to use throughout your programme. The aim of this follow-up session is to cover any remaining exercises that our fitness consultant believes are necessary to put you on the right path. Once all necessary exercises are demonstrated, you will then have your own personal programme designed for you on our fitness system, this will then allow you to confidently use our gyms with a completed programme specific to yourself. To close out this session, our consultant will book in your 4th week check-in as well as a Tanita body-stats test.

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Initial Tanita Stats: 30 minutes

Our Tanita system is designed to record multiple aspects of your body. You step onto it and it will act as a type of scale but it also has handles so it will read your upper half accurately as well as your lower half. Some of the measurable aspects are weight, fat, muscle mass, muscle imbalances, visceral and BMI. This information will then be given to you as a record to see your starting point, this is seen as a very positive recording because you will be able to use it as a way of seeing how far you’ve come. Within this session, the fitness consultant will go over any specific information you are interested in to do with these measures.

4th Week Check-in: 30 minutes

This is your first check-in appointment since your initial inductions. We will use this as a means of understanding how you’re coping with your assigned programme and if any changes need to be made. The aim would be to advance the programme so you can continue to push yourself and achieve the potential your body can get to. We will use your original goals as a guideline when updating your exercises as we want to continue to strive to achieve those aims. This will be a good session to go over any specifics or demonstrations that you needed coaching on. To close out this session, we will book a 6th week (midway) Tanita body-stats appointment and book in your 8th week check-in.

6th week Tanita: 10 minutes

This is now halfway through your 12-week process, we are using this Tanita appointment to keep a record of where your body measurements are and if there are any changes. Keeping this record is extremely beneficial for both yourself and us because when we do our final Tanita reading, we will be able to see the progression you’ve made over 12 weeks. The other big benefit from this halfway reading is to allow the consultant to see how effective your current programme is and if any adjustments need to be made.

8th Week Check-in: 30 minutes

We have reached your 8th week check-in. During this session, yourself and the fitness consultant will review your medium and long-term goals to see if they are still realistic and if you are on course to achieve them. Once reviewed, you will then set sights on these goals as your target date for your medium goals will be rapidly approaching. On top of these reviews, we will also look to further advance your programme by showing you new equipment and exercises to broaden the variety within your workouts as well as increasing the intensity to further push your body. We will also book in your 12th week check-in.

12th Week Check-in + Tanita Stats: 30 minutes

This is our final check-in and official interaction within the OnePlan journey. We will start it by reviewing the progress of your goals which we had initially set. The benefit to this is to see how far you’ve come in this period. We will also use this opportunity to finalise your programme so that you are comfortable to actively commit to the gym by yourself with minimal guidance. As mentioned previously, we will also conduct another Tanita body-stats test. This will be the final test which will then allow us to look at how you have progressed from start, middle and end. You will have all the information from all 3 Tanita tests which will allow you to appreciate your incredible hard work and how far you have come since your first session with us.

*Does not include gym membership.


Why not read what our customers think of the OnePlan?! If they can do it, you can do it too!

One Plan Customer Testimony

Please get in touch with our Customer Service team on 01480 388111 or email

Alternatively, please ask at reception. Our team will be happy to help.