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Active for Health & Active for Health Xtra

What is it?

There are many benefits of being active including:

  • lower blood pressure and resting heart rate, ensuring your heart is more efficient

  • improved sleep at night

  • improved mood through endorphins released within the body

  • help maintain bone strength to prevent osteoporosis later in life

  • keep muscles strong and joints supple

Active for Health is a new 12 week activity programme to help you become active and move more.

The programme will include a range of activities to help you improve your fitness, socialise, learn new skills, and ultimately improve your overall wellbeing.

Located at either a leisure centre or in a public open space, the programme consists of 12 weeks of group activities including fitness classes, walking sports, team games, healthy eating, and wellbeing walks. Activities will be chosen by the group in consultation with the coach.

Once signed up for the 12 week course, each participant will receive a free 90 day offer to use the One Leisure facilities. This membership includes activities such as badminton, squash, cyclone (indoor cycling), the gym, fitness classes, and swimming, amongst other targeted activities delivered across One Leisure subject to eligibility criteria*. 

What are the eligibility criteria?

  • adults (18 years and over) with a BMI of 25 or over, or 23.5 if you are from the BME community.


  • be inactive (undertake less than 30 minutes of exercise per week)

  • residents of Huntingdonshire District

  • customers will only be eligible for one Active for Health offer

* Additional free 90-day One Leisure offer is subject to additional eligibility criteria. If you have been a pre-paid member of One Leisure in the previous 18 months from date of application, you may take part in the course but will not be eligible for this secondary benefit. Memberships cannot be exchanged for the duration of the programme.

To find out more, read our Active for Health - Guidance for the Public.

When and where is it?

For information on dates and times please visit Active for Health webpage.

How do I sign up?

Complete Active for Health Application Form

How much does it cost?

Active for Health is FREE of charge.

Active Lifestyle Classes

Active Lifestyles classes cost £4.70 or can be paid for with an Active Lifestyles Class Pass which is available at £42.00 and covers 10 classes.

Our Active Lifestyles Team deliver RightStart exercise classes for older people and those requiring additional support to exercise. The classes are friendly and a great way to meet other people with similar health and fitness concerns.

All classes are designed and taught by specially qualified instructors who will make sure that each activity is safe and meets your physical and medical needs.

If you are looking for a way to be more active and feel healthier but aren’t sure where to start, give one of our RightStart classes a go.

It is encouraged for you to pre-book prior to attending the centre, you can book up to 7 days in advance online or via the One Leisure app. 

Follow the link to see the Active Lifestyles Class timetable:

Class Descriptions


  • RightStart 1: Chair-based exercise - All exercises take place in the chair and no standing is required. This level is suitable for wheelchair users.

  • RightStart 2: Chair and strength exercise - Exercises take place in the chair. Standing alternatives are available for people who wish to increase their strength and stamina.

  • RightStart 3: Strength and balance exercise - This is a strength and balance class and will suit people progressing from Level 1 and 2 or people who can stand for short periods of time. The chair is used for support when standing.

  • RightStart 4: Postural stability - A progressive falls-prevention class that includes strength, balance and postural stability work.

  • RightStart 5: Aerobic/circuit type exercise - Suitable for people who are slightly more active, with stable medical conditions and for those progressing from Level 3. A fun, social class with light to moderate exercise based around circuit stations to help improve flexibility, strength and stamina.

  • RightStart Aqua - Improve strength, endurance and flexibility - all without putting excess pressure through the joints.

  • Cyclone Start-Up - An indoor cycling class for those that are new to exercise, have a medical condition or require extra support to exercise.

  • Love to Move - A fun, age and dementia friendly seated movement class to music/ Physical, emotional & cognitive benefits designed to get you moving more and having fun!


Book and Pay via the app

Download the One Leisure app to view class times and make bookings.

Book and Pay Online

Beat the queues by booking One Leisure activities online. You can search availability 24 hours a day plus book and pay activities up to 7 days in advance. There is no charge to use the online booking service and there are no surcharges when you pay by credit or debit card.

Make a booking

If you have already registered with One Leisure, simply click the button below to make a booking. Please note that payment needs to be made within 20 minutes of the booking being made. Payment details are not stored using our secure payment system.

Book and Pay Online


Problems booking online?

If you have any problems making your online booking or cannot cancel/move a booking please contact us by using our enquiry form.

Updated 04/03/2022