Top tips for wellbeing at work
One of modern society’s buzz words, is wellbeing. One simply has to Google the word, or page through a lifestyle magazine, and there will be information or an article encouraging us to look after our mental and physical wellbeing.
As many of us spend a great deal of time at work, it is important to consider ways of ensuring we focus on our wellbeing at work. Here are some tips to achieve this:
Work-life balance: This is a tricky one, but if at all possible, try not to work overtime. If you are finding you are often the first in and the last to leave, have a rethink about how you do things. Maybe you will be more productive if you leave things until the next day. This is especially important if you work from home as it is more difficult to keep work and family life separate. Having a designated area to work in at home – preferably with a door that you can shut – is advisable. This will make it much easier to switch off after hours and not let work spill over into your personal or family life.
Take regular breaks: It is very important for your wellbeing and overall productivity to take breaks during your work day. Schedule a time for lunch – ideally away from your desk or regular place of work. Go for a walk, get outside if you can or plan a picnic with colleagues.
If there are parks near you, arrange a group activity such as rounders or even a walk. Your local gym may offer a lunchtime exercise class. Try and encourage your colleagues to join you.
Taking a breather: Breathing exercises can be helpful to reduce stress and anxiety and only take a few minutes. Try a seated,slow-breathing exercise. Start with one minute a day and build it up to five minutes a day.
Listen to music: Music can help us feel calm and relaxed which can improve wellbeing. Listening to music has also been found to help us focus by eliminating distractions. A good time to listen to music is also whilst commuting – this can help you switch off from work. Try making the most of commuting time to relax – walk or cycle home or to work if you can or read a book or listen to an audiobook or podcast.
Make a list: Lists are a great way to help us set and achieve goals – the list can be revisited at the end of the day and ticking tasks off as we complete them can help us feel a sense of achievement and thereby motivate us for the next day.
Always ask for help: Don’t ever let things get out of hand – speak to your manager or a colleague if you are struggling as there is always someone willing to listen and help you resolve issues or make changes to improve your situation.
Keep in mind: Wellbeing is “the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy”. What you do to achieve this, is up to you.
Disclaimer: The content of this page is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. References are available on request.