Fitness Classes
Classes are included in the One Leisure Platinum memberships or can be paid for casually as a one off class or with a Fitness class pass.
Pay-as-you-go 50-minute Fitness Classes are £6.40 with One Card (£7.50 for non-members). Classes can be bought in bundles of 10 for £58.00. Class bundle is valid for a period of 12 months.
Classes must be pre-booked prior to attending the centre, you can book up to 7 days in advance online or via the One Leisure app.
Please check your class location as some classes will continue to be held on the outdoor courts. Please check your class description via the links as you may need to bring your own fitness mat. All other equipment will be provided by One Leisure and will be cleaned before and after use.
Anyone on a waiting list for a class will now receive an email alert when a space becomes available.
The ‘Book’ link on the email will go straight in and book you on to the specific class if the space is still there.
Classes will be reviewed every 30 minutes and a notification email will be sent if there is an update on any of the classes which you are on the waiting lists for.
This will give more opportunity for more people to participate in our group exercise programme.
We hope you enjoy your classes.
Click here for class descriptionCancellations
Remember that if you fail to attend or cancel less than 90 minutes prior to the start of your class you will incur a cost. If you use a subscription such as a fitness class pass or pay for your sessions, these will not be refunded if they are not cancelled before the aforementioned time period.
Our system operates in a 3-strike system, the 3rd occasion within a calendar month will result in online booking being removed for 7 days. There is still the ability to book classes but it would need to be done onsite or over the phone. After the 7 days expires, the ability to book online will be reinstated. All members will follow this 3-strike system.
Book and Pay Online
Beat the queues by booking One Leisure activities online. You can search availability 24 hours a day plus book and pay activities up to 7 days in advance. There is no charge to use the online booking service and there are no surcharges when you pay by credit or debit card.
Make a booking
If you have already registered with One Leisure, simply click the button below to make a booking. Please note that payment needs to be made within 20 minutes of the booking being made. Payment details are not stored using our secure payment system.
Problems booking online?
If you have any problems making your online booking or cannot cancel/move a booking please contact us by using our enquiry form.